Hi, I'm Erika
I am a graphic designer and artist based in Pretoria.
I have been doing creative things for most of my life and I love working with my hands. Ever since I was old enough to hold a creative tool in my hands I have been
playing with clay and making, painting and drawing.
As I got older I kept exploring and eventually started doing designs and drawings in a more professional capacity.
When I finished high school I tried to do the 'right' thing for a while and studied Medical Science at the University of Pretoria. I even got my Master's Degree in
Cell Biology. Although I don’t regret the detour I always found my way back to the creative space.
For me, being creative and making art is where I am at my happiest.
After I had finished my studies I took some time to explore and try other things. During that time I started drawing a lot. I taught myself how to use
Photoshop and dabbled in After Effects and Illustrator as well.
At a later stage I also taught myself how to code using HTML and CSS.
When I am not drawing or designing, I love the outdoors, horse riding, cycling, crossfit and occasional video games. I love a good story-rich RPG.